如何优化服务管理、加强组织协调、提升高校科研的竞争力和影响力是我国高校在创建一流大学进程中需要思考的重要命题。为了提升我国高校的科研管理水平,北京大学将联合美国大学科研管理联盟(National Council of University Research Administrators,简称NCURA)举办科研管理研讨会。NCURA是目前世界最大的科研管理组织,以其专业的组织服务赢得了美国科研管理界的一致认可。NCURA轮值主席Georgette Sakumoto和执行主任Kathleen Larmett将受邀参加此次研讨会。
研讨会将采取主题报告和案例研讨的形式讨论以下议题:(1)科研管理政策;(2)服务人才成长;(3)科研国际合作等。届时,NCURA Faculty将围绕科研管理进行相关报告,包括哈佛大学Ara Tahmassian(Chief Research Compliance Officer)和伊利诺伊大学David Richardson(Associate Vice Chancellor for Research)。
承办单位: 北京大学
会议时间: 2018年10月16日 -18日
会议地点: 北京大学中关新园
会议日程: 10月16日下午 会议报到
10月17-18日 研讨交流
会议费用: 住宿自理
*10月16日14:30 – 17:00,北京大学中关新园1号楼
*10月17日8:00 – 8:45,北京大学中关新园1号楼
*10月17日9:00 – 17:00,北京大学中关新园1号楼,研讨交流
*10月18日9:00 – 17:00,北京大学中关新园1号楼,研讨交流
October 17-Day 1
- 9:00am – 9:35am: Opening Remark and Introduction
- 9:40am – 10:15am: “Supporting the Science: Research Administrative Best Practices”
- 10:15am – 10:30am: Refreshment and networking break
- 10:30am – 11:05am: “Developing Globally Competitive Proposals”
- 11:10am – 11:45pm: “Successful Award Negotiations”
- 1:00pm – 1:35pm: “Managing Your Institutional Sponsored Award Portfolio”
- 1:40pm – 2:15pm: “Creating a Culture of Responsibility”
- 2:15pm – 2:30pm: Refreshment and networking break
- 2:30pm – 3:05pm: “Best Practices in Supporting Interdisciplinary Research”
- 3:10pm – 3:45pm: “Managing Intellectual Property”
- 4:00pm – 5:00pm: Networking and discussion
- 5:00pm: Conclude for dinner
October 18-Day 2
- 9:00am – 10:15am: The Importance of International Collaboration in Basic Research and Science Diplomacy
- 10:15am – 10:30am: Refreshment and networking break
- 10:30am – 11:45am: The Role of Research Administrators in International Collaboration and Best Practices
- 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch
- 1:00pm – 2:15pm: Overview of NCURA and Research Administration Association Potential in China
- 2:15pm – 2:30pm: Refreshment and networking break
- 2:30pm – 5:00pm: VIP remarks,Ceremony (TBD),Photos
- 5:00pm: Adjourn